Our Sectors

Specialists in 4 key verticals

We are a one stop shop for Pre-IPO businesses looking to scale their 'Go to Market' teams.

At INQR, we solely specialise in SaaS Sales, Strategic Partnerships, Customer Success and Marketing.

From the C-Suite to entry level roles we work relentlessly to build your team with the Top 1% of talent.

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SaaS Sales

When your product led ‘start-up’ transitions into a sales led business, it is essential that you have the personnel to execute your ‘Go to Market’ strategy. Hiring the best sales talent is no mean feat. From company exposure or fierce competition, there is a war on talent and INQR can be your main ally.

Whether your preference is well trained personnel from large SaaS firms carrying and hitting large numbers or sales professionals who have proven start-up experience; INQR have got you covered from Account Executives to CRO covering SMB/Mid-Market/Enterprise spaces.

INQR hone in on A-grade candidates who have consistently over-achieved on targets or managed high performing market-leading teams. Both will spearhead your revenue with new business to help you become the Unicorn you know you are.

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Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships can be invaluable to your business. For a lot of Pre-IPO companies, this function can account for over 50% of revenue. Let that sink in for a second.

Great candidates in this space live and breathe joint-value propositions, get fired up by product launches and love to collaborate on campaigns with Partners.

They will effortlessly sync with strategic partners and work closely with your Sales and Marketing team to open up new doors and potential clients and customers.

INQR work with candidates who tick all the boxes and have the capability to build effective account plans, including Go to Market strategies and have excellent stakeholder management skills.

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Customer Success

Customer Success and Account Management are crucial to engaging and retaining the business you have worked so hard to secure. INQR fully understand the nuances of both roles.

These two functions will be essential for your long-term prospects and INQR target the top 5% of candidates who have excellent experience in this space.

Culture fit and personality are top of the agenda for non-quota employees and INQR will take a deep dive into your company’s culture and match the best candidates to your requirements, both personally and professionally.

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The team that ties all of the above together and then some.

The upside of a leading and diverse marketing team in this day and age are endless.

With content, campaigns, brand, video, sales decks, website, social media - front, back and centre in this day and age, can you afford not to have a great in-house team that live and breathe your culture, values and proposition?

We help companies cut out agencies and bring marketing functions in house, where you can have a team live and breathe your core values and culture, that will resonate throughout your marketing strategy.

INQR today to build your marketing team.

It could be the key to accelerating your company’s sales.


You need a recruitment partner that understands your needs. Book a consultation today